Friday, April 17, 2009

Acne causes stress, a myth?

We know that acne cause emotional stress. But how about the reverse ? Up until recently, it is generally believed that there is no link between stress and acne. But a recent study by researchers at Wake Forest proves that not only stress cause acne but also why stress cause acne.

Since sebum level production which is generally associated with acne tends to change with a variation in the weather, the study was conducted in Singapore. The study tracked the stress level of 94 high school students with mild or moderate acne for several months. It was found that in periods of high emotional stress, such as before exams, the students were 23% more likely to experience acne breakouts. However, the sebum production did not vary much whether they were experiencing high or low stress. This indicates that the level of the sebum did not contribute to the increase of acne. So the studies concluded that it is due to inflammation. Other studies have shown that stress can prove inflammation and acne is an inflammatory disease.

The result of these studies do seems to ring a certain truth to this myth.

Yet other school of thought believes that during the times when one experience high stress level, his body will release an ernomous amount of glucocorticoids which is a form of natural steroid. As glucocorticoids has some androgenic properties, it causes the sebaceous glands to excrete more sebum and worsen one's acne condition.

If you notice that you DO get an increase in acne breakout during your high stress level time, it is wise to calm and relax yourself a bit by going for exercises such as qi qong and meditation such as yoga . Oh of course get yourself plenty of sleep even though I know that it is pretty tough to do.

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