In certain case, when an acne heals, another one starts to develop at exactly the same spot. So it appears that the acne can last for months. Cysts have a tendency to occur in the same spot and you may notice that they may have various sizes as time progress. No matter how great the temptations to pick on this lesions, do not ever give in to it as it will only make the cysts prolong and worsen it as well as causing scars on the spot.
Why is it so bad when we pick a pimple? The irritation caused by picking or squeezing your pimple may give you an immediate feeling of satisfaction as you have done something to clear the contents of the pimple and make your skin feel smoother. However, in the short run, what you have done is making the spot redder and prone to having a brown marks or a depressed scar. And it doesn't prevent the pimple from reoccurring at the same spot again.
The main purpose of treating acne is to prevent it from appearing. However, once acne appears, our priorty is to clear the acne in the shortest possible time. Early treatment of acne and avoidance of picking of acne go a long way in keeping scarring at bay. To properly identify what cause acne in your case, try to avoid applying acne medications that irritated your skin. Note down anythings that you do differently that cause the acne flare. It can be due to new cream or gel that you use, or certain medications that you stop using. Or is it exams just around the corner ?
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