Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Why do my acne have no reaction to the standard treatments?

Specific medical conditions that you have may cause and aggravate acne. Acne sufferers with these medical conditions normally have more severe acne that do not respond to standard acne treatment.

Women who have an excess of androgen hormone normally have irregular periods, excessive hairiness and oiliness, male pattern baldness and deepening of the voice. They may show no improvements at all when treated with the standard acne treatment.

What causes the excess androgen hormone in women? Having polycystic ovarian syndrome in women is one of the most common causes. Women with polycystic ovarian syndrome have large and cystic ovaries, resulting in an imbalance in the hormones produced by the ovaries. The concerned women have oily skin, acne and irregular menstrual periods and usually obese, hairy and sub-fertile.

Another cause is due to Cushing's Syndrome in which the body contains too much cortisol (a glucocorticoid hormone) that results from an excess production by the body or from prolonged ingestionof steroid tablets such as prednisolone and dexamethasone) or from repeated injection of steroids for other medical conditions such as eczema and asthma.

Cushing's Syndrome causes face obesity "moon face", neck obesity "buffalo hump" and body obesity.Limbs won't be affected. Being hairy, skin thinning, easy to bruise and having purplish stretch marks (striae) are signs of Cushing's Syndrome as well.

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